معلومات عن لندن بالانجليزي , نبذه بسيطه عن لندن

معلومات عن لندن بالانجليزى فيوجد معلومات كثيرة عن المطبخ و لكن ينظر من البلد الرائعة جدا جدا النفس تحبها و تحب التعامل معها لانهم كيفية كلامهم رائعة جدا جدا و بيحب الهزار و الضحك العديد جدا


معلومات عن لندن بالانجليزي

تعتبر مدينه لندن من تجمل المدن فالعالم و هنا سوف تجد معلومات هامه عن تلك المدينه الخلابه فاذا كنت تبحث عن معلومات عن لندن بالانجليزى فهنا سوف نقدم لكم جميع ما تريدون معرفتة من معلومات عن لندن بالانجليزي.

The city of London is the capital of the United Kingdom, England, one of the most famous cities in the world and the most diverse in terms of civilization, culture and population. The city of London was founded in the year one thousand and one hundred and eighty-nine. It was once called several names such as Londres and Londra. London is located in the south of Britain on the Thames. London is an open historical museum, about its long history.

Information on the city of London;

The Mayor of London at present is Sadiq Khan.

With an area of ​​one thousand five hundred and seventy-two square kilometers.

It has a population of about eight million, four hundred and seventeen thousand people.

Track timing Greenwich.

Is the largest city in the United Kingdom and the largest city in Europe and one of the most important centers of economic, political and cultural activity in Europe and the world.

It includes many prestigious universities, museums, theaters, and institutes.

It is divided into several administrative divisions, such as City, Barnett, Hackney, Barking, Dagenham, Enfield, Harrow, Lambeth, Merten, Croydon, Richmond, Bromley, Westminster, Kingston and others.

The history of the City of London began in the year 43 AD, beginning as a Roman settlement, after the Roman invasion. Later it fell to the Anglo Saxons and then to the Normans, but modern London began to take its present form in the Middle Ages.

One of the most important events was the construction of the first bridge in London, the Black Death disease, in which more than half of the population died, and the Great London Fire, which destroyed more than half of the city.

In the sixteenth century, it became an important commercial center. In the Victorian era, in the 19th century, London became a great city. It is the era of great construction, the construction of railways, and many tunnels that still exist. All over


معلومات عن لندن بالانجليزي


معلومات عن لندن بالانجليزي , نبذه بسيطه عن لندن